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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Would You Just Go on and Die Already?!

I'm talking about reality shows. For the last few years, I have seen smart sitcoms and dramas slowly drop out of the spotlight in order to make room for the dumb, mindless entertainment we call reality television. Every week, millions of Americans tune into these shows depicting so-called "real" events. In actuality, what they get is bits and pieces out of thousands of hours of filming. Nothing they watch is "real." It's shaped by the producers, directors, and other powers that be. Yet, no one really seems to care. They're too engrossed in watching the lives of others. And the phenomenon seems to be spreading faster than a fungus. My fav example: That disaster of a show on BET called College Hill, hailed as the first all-black reality show (Wouldn't MLK be proud?). They're even on Cartoon Network!! Let me repeat that: Cartoon Network!! Aren't they supposed to show...ummm...cartoons?! No, now they've even gotten in on it. They have two so far: The Othersiders, which features kids looking paranormal activity and crap, and Survive This, where teens are forced to survive in the wilderness due to "real" crisis situations. In the first episode, the crisis was the event of their school bus crashing in the wilderness, which I can totally understand because stuff like that happens everyday. *Rolls eyes*

What happened to the Golden Age of actors and actresses reading scripts, memorizing lines, and evoking feelings and emotion?? Matter of fact, why the hell is that considered the Golden Age?? That's damn sad. But I won't say there isn't hope. The recent tongue lashing of Speidi by Al Roker restores my belief that, one day, Americans will get over it already. They'll quit pining over fake celebrities and fake shows and return to...well...reality. I'm not holding my breath though.

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