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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Don't Let Other People Steal Your Energy!

Don't you hate when you're having a Sun-is-shining-I-feel-like-I-can-conquer-the-world or a Man-I-feel-so-relaxed-I'm-just-gonna-take-it-easy kind of day and someone calls or approaches you with nothing but complete and utter BS? And for some reason, after you've interacted with that person, your high is just GONE WITH THE WIND!! Well, next time that person calls or approaches you, just say these kind words: "Sorry, but I'm feeling too good to deal with your crap right now. Why don't you come back and see me when I'm having a bad day?" Okay reality check! I would never actually do that, but I'm sure it would feel damn good. Instead, I just cut the convo short, try my best to forget about what that person said, and go on about my lovely day. I refuse to let you steal my energy!

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