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Friday, September 11, 2009

Are You Enough Part II

So the inspiration for the last blog post stemmed from my observations of numerous people. Not just all people, but the ones that seem to have something to prove to everyone. You know the ones I'm talking about. The ones that go out of their way to buy the new Louis Vuitton bag that they can't afford so everyone can see it. The ones that buy that new car that will take them forever to pay off just so they can show everyone that they're "doing it big". Simply put, the ones that just feel the need to show off whatever they have whether big or small. The ones that make you wanna say, "Please get over yourself...NOW!!!" Yep, those are the ones. But, for whatever reason, it seems like their population is growing exponentially everyday. I especially notice it on Facebook, namely in photos. They have to put on their best outfits (or lack thereof), pose with their prized possessions, etc. and take a million pictures. Truth be told, it doesn't really bother me until they write stupid *** captions like, "Damn, I'm fine", or "Yeah, I know you want this", or other crap like "Don't be jealous." WTF?? Is it really that serious? Do you really feel the need to have others validate you like that? Honestly? And do even get me started on groups like "Finest Girls on Facebook" or "Biggest Asses on Facebook" where girls shamelessly post nearly naked pictures of themselves so random perverted guys can salivate over them. Ugh! I've had enough!!!

So I just wanna ask all of those people, "Are you Enough?" Do you love and believe in yourself to the point where you don't have to let people know that you are "it"? Are you confident enough to not need constant validation from others? Do you think material things matter more than self-love? Do you care more about the welfare of others or how others see you? Do you think what's on your body is more important than what's in your mind and your heart?

Lose the designer names, fancy car, expensive bag, and "I'm better than you" attitude. All that does is hide who YOU are. Be proud. Be who you are you. BE YOU! YOU ARE ENOUGH!!