First of all-Give, give, give!! Whether it's doing community service or being extra generous to family and friends, give all you can this season. Today, I donated $25 to the Salvation Army's Angel Tree Project to give a holiday dinner to an underprivileged family. Now I know that sounds like a lot of money, but think about what a simple holiday dinner we take for granted will mean to them. I also have two community service projects lined up: One as a volunteer at this thrift store that provides affordable clothing for low-income individuals as well as donating money to local charities and another as an usher at a special production of "The Nutcracker" for underprivileged children and the elderly. I'm looking forward to both of them. So I encourage you all to open your wallet or donate your time to anyone that needs a helping hand. This is a very stressful time for many of us in this country. Why not try making someone's day better?
Second-I know this is a pretty random question, but why is "A Few of My Favorite Things" considered a holiday song? I'm hearing it everywhere I go, and it's driving me nuts! Wasn't that on some movie with this crazy woman singing every five minutes? Haha! Okay, I'm done!
Anywho, Happy Holidays!
I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20:35